2011年4月5日 星期二

What is GFR and why is it so important in kidney disease?

If you have symptoms of kidney disease, your doctor to recommend a few tests. One of these tests helps determine the glomerular filtration rate of your kidneys or GFR. This refers to the amount of fluid to be filtered per minute of glomeruli-capillaries, or small blood vessels in the kidneys.

GFR test is considered to be the most accurate way to measure how well your kidneys are working. It can also help your doctor to determine your kidney disease. This disease is a progressive disease that has no cure with Orthodox therapies. It goes through five stages where symptoms become worse, or you start additional symptoms. To know the stage of the disease you are in affect your treatment.

How is GFR measured?

Previously measured GFR by a 24-hour urine collection to trace which prefiltering of any substance which is injected into the body. These days, an estimated GFR (eGFR) via a blood sample. This test measures of creatinine in the blood, without the need for a substance which is injected. Sometimes the terms GFR test and eGFR tests are interchangeable.

Healthcare professionals collect blood samples from your spirit. Small children tested for kidney disease may be strung through the skin with a lancet for blood is collected. Blood samples sent to a laboratory for the assessment.

As mentioned, controlling techniques for levels of a substance called creatinine. It is a waste product of muscle metabolism. It is eliminated from the body by healthy kidneys by urine and remain within a specified range in the body. When the kidneys are unable to effectively remove your body of creatinine, however, to accumulate higher than normal level, indicating that kidney disease is present.

To determine your GFR, takes into account other factors, such as your age, race and gender. GFR is also compared with the levels of protein in your urine for even greater accuracy to determine albumin-creatinine ratio (UACR). A healthy relationship is 0.2 grams of protein to one gram of creatinine.

Doctors can also use a method known as Cockcroft-Gault formula for estimating creatinine clearance from your blood, and in turn your GFR. This method uses the creatinine measurements and your weight in order to predict the speed at which creatinine is removed from the blood.

GFR may need to be measured more than once before an assessment of kidney function is determined.

Although the eGFR is a very useful test to determine kidney function, it is not useful for anyone with suspected kidney disease that results may vary in certain circumstances. This includes persons who are:

Age 70 years or older

Under 18 years


Overweight or very overweight

Very muscular



Of African origin

These factors affect creatinine generation. In these cases, traditional GFR test with 24-hour urine be more precise.

What is a healthy GFR?

A normal or healthy ranges of GFR is 120-125 ml per minute (ml/min). GFR vary, depending on your age, sex, body size and breed. This reduces of course when you get older as kidney function decreases.

If your GFR is 89 60 ml/min, you may have kidney disease. If there are 30-59, you may be in stage 3 kidney disease. A GFR of 15-29, see step 4 kidney disease. While 15 ml/min or lower amount may thou have developed renal failure.

Pregnancy, and certain foods and medications can affect GFR calculation. Let your doctor know if you can become pregnant, or if you are on a special diet or taking some medicines can factor this into their diagnosis.

What happens if your GFR is low?

Your doctor will probably recommend other tests such as an ultrasound or CT (computer tomography) scan to detect any abnormalities in the kidneys as kidney stones. These tests can also determine if there are blockages in your urinary tract, which can also affect how well your kidneys filter.

Other tests that your doctor can take if your GFR is low is a kidney biopsy. During this test the doctor inserts a needle into your kidney removed tissue to look for anomalies or disease.

If you are diagnosed with any level of kidney disease, or you are at risk, the use of natural therapies to both reverse the damage and prevent future kidney damage by treating the cause of the problem. Herbs, nutrients and dietary and lifestyle changes can go a long way to improve your kidney and your health in General.

Duncan Capicchiano N.D. is a fully qualified Naturopath, author and medical researcher specializing in kidney disease. For more information, visit the kidney disease gfr or how you can improve your kidney function course on his www.KidneyDiseaseSecrets.com where you can get a free copy of their kidney disease secrets mini-course.

