2011年4月2日 星期六

How to use a pregnancy calculator

There is much that said and done about pregnancy and pregnancy calculator. Have you always wondered how to use a pregnancy calculator and how women actually figure out their expiration dates that use these things?

First things first. What is a pregnancy calculator? Pregnancy calculator is a device that you can calculate the date you view and, thus, your due date of childbirth, nine months from now. But in the beginning, it is important to understand that these estimates are only approximate and can never be correct. Nature works in mysterious ways and science have to figure out much of it yet.

You can probably guess the date of the opinion, if you had intercourse occasionally. But no matter how much research is done on the issue, it will never be possible for researchers and scientists to estimate your due date correctly. While your pregnancy Calculator can give you a rough idea of your expiration date, can you stop delivering just before or after the same.

How your pregnancy Calculator works

To determine your approximate due date

You can understand the basic aspects of your pregnancy Calculator only if you first understand your own ' menstrual cycle. If you want your calculator to work correctly, you must first set the exact date of your previous ' menstrual period. On the first day of your counts as day number one.

To determine the date the perception

Pregnancy Calculator works the other way. If you have already received the due date of your doctor, can you count backwards in order to arrive at the approximate date of conception.

Arriving in pregnancy

This unique Calculator can also tell you just how many weeks you are pregnant at present and how many weeks you will be pregnant at a future date you give it.

For more information about your pregnancy calculator

Many women complain about their pregnancy calculators is not correct at all. They can find them useless because they themselves may be using these calculators.

For your price calculator to work properly, you must meet the following requirements:

Each pregnancy Calculator is based on 28 days ' menstrual cycle. So here is not if you do not comply with the above or if your periods are irregular.

Even for women who follow 28 days ' menstrual cycle, this calculator gives only a rough estimate, and never the exact date for the conception or birth.

Did you know that only 5% of women throughout the world give birth to their exact due date? Your due date is calculated by adding about 40 weeks, or 280 days from the first day of your last period before pregnancy occurred.

Your pregnancy Calculator, you will receive only an approximate value and never the exact figure of your expiration date. But it helps you to get a picture when you can expect that little bundle of joy you've always been waiting for!

Melissa Fox is a health professional, very interested in pregnancy symptoms.

She enjoys writing inspirational articles for real lives.

Read more about pregnancy Calculator [http://www.earlysymptomsofpregnancy.org/pregnancy-calculator.html] www.earlysymptomsofpregnancy.orgvisits.

