2011年3月25日 星期五

What the papers say

 Newspapers journalist Fionola Meredith take a look at what is making the headlines in the press on Thursday.

The Belfast Telegraph and the report of the Charter of news about the death of the wife of the County of Down Carla McAdam.

He died in the seventh month of an ectopic pregnancy, where the fetus develops outside the uterus, after being sent home from the hospital five times.

In the investigation, the investigating judge criticized the lack of dialogue between the staff of the Ulster Hospital, concluding that at no time the doctors stop and question - why is Carla sick?

The family says that their pain at losing Carla has been aggravated by the lack of a direct apology from the South Eastern Health Trust.

The Irish News has some questions for ARDS District Council.

You want to know why the Council spent £ 3000 of new strimmers replacement of taxpayer money.

The official explanation is because they vibrated too. Settled after one hand/arm vibration evaluation was carried out.

Does "couldn't someone has scanned before the strimmers were purchased", calls for the role? Either way, it concludes, political strimmer needs a reorganization.

Cabinet resignations are higher in the Irish Times story.

Four Cabinet Ministers resigned last night to pave the way for the renovation planned by Brian Cowen.

The document says that the movement is designed to thwart efforts by the Green party to block the redevelopment. But some Fianna Fail members expressed doubts about the desirability of making new appointments Cabinet this afternoon.

A rural Member said that it was "like throw holy water on the toaster after the fire". Sketchwriter Miriam Lord advises future Ministers to steer well clear-"even if Biffo sidles more with one look come hither and dangles the keys to a Mercedes in the nose, only to say that not".

The times and the independent of the report on the opening of "the world more dear address".

The development of an expected Hyde Park is finally opened, with curtains of silk, private cinema, simulators of golf and Butler service.

It appears that homes for the ultra-wealthy overseas are booming in Swanky London postcodes. All very well, said the Times - but is in stark contrast with the darkness beyond the rest of the market of property of the United Kingdom and the rising tide of unemployment.

The cartoon shows a couple of potential buyers see one of the flats - it is said, 'from here can look angry young'.

The independent looks at the coffee that is larger than the human stomach

It's Starbucks, the American giant of coffee, which the independent described as "a portrait robot global chain that serves as a means of pints of frothy milk coffee-flavored".

This new coffee, known as the Trenta - i.e. thirty Italian - 63% higher than the previous size of the chain and contains 916 ml of liquid. The human stomach has an average capacity of 900 ml.

The independent thought to be a ruse for businesses in the main fat nation on Earth, where a chain of grocers sold refreshments at pint three cups.

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