2011年3月29日 星期二

Earliest possible signs of pregnancy

If you are eager to have a baby, trust you are eagerly awaiting the earliest possible pregnancy signs. You may be worrying over every little twinge, wonder if it is a symptom of pregnancy. Most of the signs of pregnancy appear gradually, but you may feel some once implantation has occurred.

The earliest possible signs of pregnancy is just ... possible characters. By themselves, they can also mean your time can be on the road, or you can come up with the flu. More symptoms you have, the more likely they add to become pregnant. But some women are still pregnant and they may not know a single symptom. Just remember to all and each pregnancy can be different.

Observation/Implantation bleeding

If it is too early for your time, and you find yourself exploring a bit, it could be implantation bleeding. Some women feel a little observation when the fertilised egg implants itself into the lining of the uterus. This may or may not be accompanied by mild cramping. If you know about when you ovulated, should this be the case around 8-10 days afterwards. Not everyone has this sign of pregnancy.

Morning sickness

Some women feel nauseous or may actually be sick to their stomach as early as a week after an egg has been fertilized. There are ways of dealing with morning sickness, which actually may at any time of day. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day to keep your stomach is empty works well for many women. Eat protein snacks before bedtime to prevent nausea in the morning. Not all women who are pregnant may morning sickness, as the other, this is just a sign of possible.


When you are pregnant, even if your children are barely as large as a speck, uses a lot of energy in your body. You have major hormonal changes your hCG levels rise rapidly. Your child starts to grow from a ball of cells into a creature with specialised bodies and body parts in preparation for birth. They take a lot of your energy ... it's no wonder you're tired! If you find yourself wearing thin, try to eat well and get more rest.

Breast tenderness

In the early weeks of pregnancy, your breasts will begin to feel sore and swollen. You may notice that they are getting a little bigger and the veins of the breast are more visible over the next several weeks. Nipples may become more erect and darker color, as well as being extremely sensitive. If you are pregnant, it is because your breasts beginning to fend for themselves for breast feeding. Some women can have similar symptoms before their period begins.

Missed period

This is usually the most obvious symptom, although a missed period can be caused by other issues and pregnancy. If you know you're late and you have not yet taken a pregnancy test, you can take one soon. Your expiration date will be calculated from the date of your last ' menstrual period, so try to remember when your last period arrived before you have your first prenatal meeting.

For more information about the earliest date to detect pregnancyrelated EPT pregnancy test and other pregnancy topics visit A1PregnancyInfo .com

