2011年3月25日 星期五

Book Review-your pregnancy week by of Glade Curtis and Judith Schuler

When I was pregnant (three times with four children), I read everything I could get my hands on about being pregnant. I wanted to know how the baby develops, what new pregnancy symptoms that I could expect, if the things in my surroundings could be harmful to my baby and so much more, I would read and read my books, to see to it that I don't miss anything. All books were a bit different and presented new information.

I have recently stumbled across a pregnancy book that I wish very much that I had during my pregnancy. My hunger for information, would it week by week the format has been a real plus for me! Your pregnancy week Glade b. Curtis, M.D., Mph. and Judith Schuler, M.S., contains all the latest information on fetal growth, diet and exercise, prenatal screening, labor, delivery and so much more, the authors have recently released the 63rd Edition, so it is very current and comprehensive. Also, you'll learn how to prepare yourself before you get pregnant and what to expect with your body after your pregnancy. I could fill the pages with the topics covered in this book, so let us just say that I could not imagine a substance not included! And so you fathers feel left out, it has "Dad Tips" sprinkled throughout the book.

Your pregnancy week by week is part of a series of books by Curtis and Schuler. Other: your pregnancy to the father does not, your pregnancy Journal downloads and several quick guides on nutrition and weight, fitness and training, tests and procedures, women of color and multiples. (I can use that last one with my last pregnancy when my twins!) And after your baby is born, you'll pick up a copy of your baby's first year, week after week.

You can read more about authors and their books www.yourpregnancybook.comon. You will also find an ovulation Predictor and a due date Calculator, as well as pregnancy information available on the site. And then pick up a copy of your pregnancy week by week!

Susan m. Heim is a former Senior Editor for best-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series. Her published books include "this is twins! Parent to parent advice from infancy to adolescence. " "Oh, Baby! 7 Ways a Baby will change your life first year ". "Two times the love: stories of Inspiration for families with twins, multiples and Singleton". "Increase your Baby brain power". and "chicken soup for the soul: Twins and more." Her articles and essays have appeared in many books, magazines and websites. Susan writes regular online column for Mommies Magazine named-Loving and living with twins and multiples. She is also an expert on twins and multiples of AllExperts and ParentsConnect, and a parenting expert on SelfGrowth. Susan is the founder of TwinsTalk, a website about twins and raise twins (http://www.twinstalk.com).

Susan shares her parenting wisdom on his blog, Susan Heim on parenting, http://www.susanheim.blogspot.comat. She is the mother of four sons--two teenagers and two Wars.

