2011年3月26日 星期六

NYC OKs Bill use pregnancy Center disclosure

Advice centres, including PCs, anti-abortion groups trying to dissuade, women from termination of pregnancy, pregnancy is forced to tell whether they offer abortions, emergency prevention and prenatal care under a bill passed Wednesday by the City Council and Mayor approved.

The Bill would force centers for disclosure in their advertisements and on signs in their inputs and waiting rooms. In addition to the centres inform orally when asked about these services by phone or personally.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is expected to be the Bill into law, his spokeswoman said to sign Evelyn Erskine.

A similar regulation in Baltimore a federal judge was told by unconstitutional in January, although this city plans to appeal. And Austin, Texas, has adopted a similar measure.

The New York City measure for any pregnancy Center, which looks like a medical facility or offers ultrasonic, Sonograms or apply a prenatal care would - supervised but where services are not directly by licensed medical provider.

Abortion rights advocates say that the centers try women cheat by opening offer in nearby offices, the abortions and implies that she references given at the end of pregnancy women will give. Although Center dress staff in medical uniforms take clients for testing room and carry out and evaluate ultrasound, it often not licensed medical provider, advocates say.

"There are people out there presented himself as doctor's offices, deceive women, that misinformation," City Council said Speaker Christine Quinn, which the Bill a measure to protect of the consumer called.

A court challenge the legislation, which also guarantees that women who visit the centers their information be kept private, should spark by opponents.

"This legislation will prevent that pro-life advocates speaking freely, only because their speech some powerful interest groups is unwelcome, to promote abortion," said New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, in a statement. "Finally, this legislation will avoid some women valuable services and information before it, whether or not an abortion make their decision."

The President of EMC frontline pregnancy centers, Chris Slattery, said that the Bill contains "a grotesque violation of our first amendment rights."

"We are women from this industry abortion to protect," he said.

Slattery said that his group has monitored 12 centers in New York of the some of the doctors are, and that women, who are looking for help there are not deceiving.

The Group Gets New York that "abortion capital of America." In 2009, ended up 41 per cent of pregnancies in the city (excluding miscarriages) abortion, says the City Department of health. At the national level, issues ended with 22 percent of abortion, according to the Guttmacher Institute, the resources related to sexual and reproductive health produced.

Quinn argues the New York City measure will withstand any challenge Court and differs significantly from the Baltimore regulation. In New York, the rules apply to centers regardless of whether they offer abortions or she said clients on doctors who perform abortions.

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