2011年5月16日 星期一

Pregnancy Tests - How To Verify Pregnancy

Pregnancy Tests are conducted to verify one's pregnancy. A large number of women can tell that they are pregnant by recognizing the various symptoms that accompany a pregnancy. However, to be sure, specific pregnancy tests need to be conducted. Some of these can be conducted at home itself while there are others for which you need to approach a doctor. Large varieties of home pregnancy tests kits are available in the market at chemist shops.

Pregnancy tests confirm one's pregnancy by revealing the presence of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HcG) which is found only in pregnant women. It is produced by the cells in the uterus. Several types of pregnancy test kits are available in the market, many of which can be used at home. These tests measure the level of the HCG in our body through a urine sample. These tests need to be followed by some other pregnancy ultrasound tests that are recommended by the doctors.

The Accuracy Factor

Generally, these pregnancy tests can confirm pregnancy the day after one misses her period. However, to get accurate and 100% results, it is always better to conduct these tests a week after missing the monthly periods. Most of the times, these pregnancy tests are accurate and quite cheap too. The home pregnancy tests are generally followed by several blood tests and ultrasounds, which are done to find the possible date of the delivery and the health of the baby.

In some cases, however, the pregnancy tests may give a wrong result. These include cases when the amount of HCG in a woman's body is inadequate to show her pregnancy. In addition, it is important to remember the exact date of one's periods. These tests are effective and can give accurate results only if conducted after a woman misses her periods. A type of pregnancy test known as EPT pregnancy test claims to give 99% accurate results. However, this is possible only if a woman remembers her period date correctly. Several other early pregnancy test kits are also available in the market and can even be purchased online.

Pregnancy tests are the definitive way to know if you are pregnant. You can even take home pregnancy tests within the comforts of your home.

Pregnancy ultrasounds and early pregnancy test such as EPT early pregnancy tests are another way of knowing that the most beautiful period of your life is just around the corner.

Pregnancy Period provides more information on issues related to pregnancy, early pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy tests.

