2011年5月20日 星期五

Know Your Pregnancy Week By Week To Cope With It

Knowing all you can about pregnancy week by week helps you to understand the minute details of movements taking place inside your womb. Doing so is an interesting idea. This write-up seeks to help every pregnant woman become a better-informed mom and to cope with the pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy complications.

Pregnancy Week By Week

Pregnancy Week 1-Week 4

The 1st week of pregnancy commences with the day of the woman's last period. By the end of 4th week of pregnancy, there is fertilization of the egg and the beginning of a new life. This is the time when the early pregnancy symptoms start showing in.

Pregnancy Week 5-8

This period is the right time for taking the pregnancy test. It is commonplace for the tests to be accurate around this period. By the 6th week, the would-be baby's heart starts beating! The future mom might start experiencing morning sickness during the 7th week. Moreover, by the 8th week, her fetus has small arms and legs!

Pregnancy Week 9-12

It is between the 9th and 12th week that the pregnant woman's stomach gets enlarged to make room for her fast developing fetus. She notices a variety of changes in her body. The fetus begins moving inside the mum, though she may not necessarily realize it yet. And by the 12th week, the intensity of morning sickness starts lessening.

Pregnancy Week 13-16

Between the 13th and 16th week, it is possible to know the gender of the baby with a low level of certainty. At the end of the 14th week, the mother can listen to her future baby's heartbeat during the visit to a clinic. She also notices movements of her baby, as her bones begin to become hard.

Pregnancy Week 17-20

The period from 17th to 20th week marks fast development of internal organs of the baby. The fetus is covered by fine hair called 'lanugo.' During this phase of pregnancy, it is feasible to know the gender of the fetus accurately by taking an ultrasound test.

Pregnancy Week 21-24

Around the 21st week, the fetus begins to learn breathing. The woman may experience few contractions during this phase, as her uterus begins preparation for the task of giving birth. When one approaches the 24th week, the process of fat depositing starts in the baby, which helps maintain the body temperature after its birth. By keeping an account of pregnancy week by week, one becomes mentally and physically prepared to negotiate with the changes occurring in one's body.

Pregnancy Week 25-28

By this time, the woman's uterus is congested and there is less movement of her baby. There is an important thing to note for the mom: her baby can distinguish between darkness and light and can also hear sounds from the external world.

Pregnancy Week 29-32

Around the 29th week, the baby's head grows rapidly in proportion to the rest of the body. Its eyes and brain are developed to a large extent. When one approaches the 32nd week, only lungs remain to be fully developed.

Pregnancy Week 33-36

When the 33rd week begins, the fetus can open and close its eyes. Its finger nails get developed during this time. During the 36th week, the embryo has a weight of approximately 4 pounds and is 16 inches long.

Pregnancy Week 37-40

This is the climax of the entire pregnancy. By this time all the organs of the baby, except the lungs, are developed. Lungs, however, continue to develop. There can be childbirth anytime between the 38th and 40th week because the baby is ready to land on this planet!

Dear would-be-mom, thank you very much for taking some precious time this pregnancy week by week article. And now, of course, get ready to welcome your baby. Good luck!

If you track your pregnancy week by week, you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy period in an enjoyable way. When you know week-by-week pregnancy symptoms, you will be aware of early pregnancy symptoms, and get ready to take a pregnancy test on time and be prepared to face pregnancy complications such as morning sickness. Pregnancy Week By Week provides more details about week-by-week pregnancy developments.

