2011年5月28日 星期六

General Sign Of Pregnancy - Pregnancy Health Related Issues And Causes

We cannot lay down a detailed list of sign of pregnancy for every woman, as pregnancy symptoms differ from women to women. In general, we can lay down certain general sign of pregnancy that may or may not be experienced by women. Understanding the sign of pregnancy is very important as these signs may also be related to other occurrences than pregnancy. A missed period can be one of the earliest sign of pregnancy. Moreover, after conception, when the embryo implants itself on the uterine wall, there will be implantation bleeding and you will experience cramping of muscles as well as spotting. They are the initial sign of pregnancy and can be generally misunderstood as a result of altered menstruation, infection or changes in birth control pill and so on.

Symptoms that Prevail Throughout Pregnancy:

As mentioned, a delayed menstruation is the first and foremost sign of pregnancy. You will also miss your next period and this confirms that fact that you are pregnant. Bleeding is very much normal during pregnancy period but it will be generally lighter than normal flow. Normally a missed period is generally attributed to hormonal problems, stress, tension and fatigue and so on. A tender breast is also a sign of pregnancy and may begin after one to weeks of conceiving. Though hormonal imbalances or delayed menstrual cycle may cause this tenderness, but generally it is a persistent problem that occurs specifically during pregnancy.

Since your body is supporting and feeding another life system, you tend to get more exhausted and stressed out during pregnancy. Fatigue or exhaustion is also early sign of pregnancy and can start as early as first week after conception. A pregnancy test will generally confirm your pregnancy because this tiredness or fatigue can also arise out of depression, stress, common cold or flu and so on.

The most common sign of pregnancy will appear between two to eight weeks of pregnancy. Morning sickness, dizziness, backaches, and even vomiting in extreme cases are some of these common symptoms. Some of you may be really fortunate enough not to deal with problems of morning sickness while others who are not so fortunate can feel queasy throughout entire pregnancy. Remember continuous back pains, nauseatic feeling, dizziness cannot be the result of food poisoning, stress or other disorders, as they all are transitory phases. They are sign of pregnancy that will prevail throughout your pregnancy.

Changes in the hormonal balance in your body during pregnancy can cause headache and this is also an early sign of pregnancy. Darkening of areolas, frequent urination and cravings for food are all sign of pregnancy and lasts throughout the entire pregnancy months. Frequent mood swings and irrational behavior are also very common during pregnancy. That is why it is very important for you to maintain a pregnancy journal that can give vent to your pent up feelings. Any pregnancy health related issues and occurrences can also find place in your journal. It makes your journey even more enjoyable.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource http://www.earlypregnancy-symptom.info She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. http://www.earlypregnancy-symptom.info is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.

2011年5月27日 星期五

Early Pregnancy Symptom - Signs Tell That You Are Pregnant

If you are expecting pregnancy, you might be undergoing some body changes and experience early pregnancy symptoms. Many women tend to ignore some of the symptoms that they come across after conceiving and fail to detect their pregnancy. Therefore, it is essential to take a note of every single body change you observe in order to confirm pregnancy. Many symptoms are even experienced before conceiving, but then check out the intensity of arrival of those symptoms. Observe carefully and inform your physician in detail. The early stage of pregnancy brings a number of symptoms to every woman.

However, not every pregnant woman experiences the same group of symptoms in their early stage at the same propensity. Your symptoms may not resemble with those experienced by one of your acquaintances. Therefore, if you have missed one of the pregnancy symptoms one of your close acquaintances has felt, it does not mean you have some complications. It is our endeavor to impart you knowledge on the pregnancy symptoms that are most likely to appear in the early trimesters, signaling that you are pregnant. Check out below what possible signs you may expect during the early stage of your pregnancy.

Common Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Each early pregnancy symptom gives indication of your pregnancy. On the other hand, unusual pregnancy symptoms and sudden changes in pregnancy symptoms may signal you that you might have some complications. In that case, you should not delay and must rush to doctor immediately. Identifying which symptom is normal and which is not, is only possible when we have a clear idea about pregnancy signs. Read our guidance on early pregnancy symptom to acquire information on occurrence of pregnancy signs. Our information will help you prepare yourself better for pregnancy. So let us start with early pregnancy symptoms:

1. Missed periods - many women feel tizzy and anxious when periods have crossed due dates. Missed period, according to the most of the individuals and pregnant women is a prominent indication of pregnancy. However, a missed period may follow other factors as well, such as certain medications or side effects of medical treatments, stress etc. Therefore, consult your doctor immediately when your period is overdue whether it is an early pregnancy symptom or not.

2. Implantation Bleeding - Right after conceiving, you might notice slight bleeding, which is, as per medical experts, known as implantation bleeding. As the fertilized egg implants itself to the uterus wall, you may find some vaginal spotting which is normal and very common early pregnancy symptom.

3. Abdominal cramping - Many pregnant women complain about cramping pain and contraction in their uterus as they experience during periods when before pregnancy. This is also considered as a strong indicator of pregnancy.

4. Tender, Swollen Breasts - If you are having sore, swollen and tender breasts, take it seriously and inform your physician or take a home pregnancy test. Some women experience this every month just before their periods start!

5. Morning Sickness - This is another very common early pregnancy symptom. Morning sickness is usually experienced as a feeling of nausea during morning and any other time of the day as well. You may as well feel an increased sensitivity to taste and smell due to this queasy feeling during early pregnancy. However, it is up to you to differentiate between indigestion and morning sickness!

If you have experienced all, some or one early pregnancy symptom of the above, get a home pregnancy test kit and get yourself tested, if you have any dubious results, talk to your doctor without any delay.

Some women would experience just one early pregnancy symptom while others would witness a host of early pregnancy symptoms. Some pregnant women experience common symptoms of pregnancy while some could have to deal with strange or unusual symptoms of pregnancy. Early Pregnancy Symptom offers a detailed insight into all pregnancy symptoms and related information.

2011年5月26日 星期四

Symptoms Of Pregnancy - Make Note Of Each Symptom Of Pregnancy

If you are expecting pregnancy then look for a symptom of pregnancy to appear. Take a closer look and do not ignore a single bodily change. It can be a feeling of nausea, exhaustion, short term, light vaginal bleeding or vaginal discharge etc. Most of the expecting mothers assume an overdue period is the first sign to watch out for and this symptom summons rest of the pregnancy symptoms. However, as per medical experts a missed period is not likely to be the first sign of pregnancy. Rather, as per their understanding a woman might be already few weeks pregnant until she observes her period is overdue. Therefore, start keeping note of all signs of pregnancy and create a pregnancy calendar.

Possible Signs Of Pregnancy

Making a weekly pregnancy calendar is a good way to check progress of pregnancy. It is as well a good idea for detecting pregnancy as you tend to observe Every symptom of pregnancy arrive gradually. In this regard, a pregnant woman should be aware of the fact that sequence of pregnancy symptoms extensively vary from one woman to another. So if you have not come across a particular symptom, do not start panicking as it may appear later. For example, many women experience swollen and tender breasts as the first sign of pregnancy whereas some feel nausea or dizziness throughout the day before as the primary sign of pregnancy. Hence, chart each sign sent by your body in detail and the symptoms with which it appears to consult your gynecologist and confirm pregnancy. Symptom of pregnancy that you are likely to expect if you are expecting pregnancy after conceiving can be the following -

1. Nausea Or Morning Sickness - Most of the expecting mothers undergo a feeling of sickness after leaving their beds in the morning as well as at the different hours of the day as well. Nausea may linger throughout the entire day. This symptom of pregnancy gives a clear indication of pregnancy. On the other hand, to reduce discomforts of nausea, physicians recommend to divide larger meals into smaller frequent meals and to curb consumption of spicy foods.

2. Increased Exhaustion - Are you are feeling like taking a nap at the afternoon or in the evening and feel tremendously tired to wake up and go to work? Should you let it pass without noting it, you might be skipping a significant symptom of pregnancy. Sudden arrival of tiredness and fatigue without any reason after conceiving is a way in which your body alerts you pregnancy. However, this symptom may disappear after the first trimester of pregnancy and may revive on the third trimester.

3. Fainting - Fainting or dizziness is caused by lowered blood pressure during pregnancy. If you feel your head is spinning as you try to rise after sitting a while or even fainting, contact your doctor or take a home pregnancy test. Expecting mothers should alleviate loads of works and be cautious while putting your feet up.

After conceiving, you may experience other changes like cramping, frequent urination, vaginal spotting etc., which may have appeared before, but you should not ignore as each sign is considered significant symptom of pregnancy.

Symptom of pregnancy is a source of joy and a source for anxiety too. When you witness pregnancy symptoms, also known as the common signs of pregnancy contact your doctor for a pregnancy test or simply take a home pregnancy test. It will be a good idea to chart a pregnancy calendar immediately after you see the first sign of pregnancy. Early Pregnancy Symptom provides more information and valuable insight about early pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy Miscarriage - How To Avoid It

Pregnancy miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the loss of a pregnancy, on its own, which occurs in nearly 20% of all confirmed pregnancies. This usually occurs before 20-24 weeks of the pregnancy but it is most common during the first 12 weeks. When a pregnancy miscarriage occurs, the fetus, placenta and the amniotic sac are expelled by the body.

Causative Factors Of Pregnancy Miscarriage

The most common factor attributed to causing a pregnancy miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities of the developing child. It could be due to genetic defects of the fetus caused by faulty egg and/or sperm. The lifestyle of the expectant mother during her pre-pregnancy days as well as during pregnancy period may also play a major role. Smoking, drug/alcohol abuse and exposure to hazardous materials can increase the risk of pregnancy miscarriage in women. Hormonal imbalances, health issues such as infections, diabetes, immune disorders, problems of the uterus or ovaries etc. can also cause pregnancy miscarriages. Women who have health problems such as diseases of heart, kidney or liver, thyroid problems etc. are at risk of a spontaneous abortion. It has been rightly said that if an expectant mother is given adequate pre pregnancy care she can greatly reduced the chances of a pregnancy miscarriage.

Symptoms Of A Pregnancy Miscarriage

Vaginal bleeding is by far the most common symptom. If you have no idea that you are pregnant and have vaginal bleeding that lasts for more than 2 weeks it is better to consult your physician as it may indicate a spontaneous abortion or some other problem that needs immediate attention. If you know you are pregnant and are bleeding it is time to call your doctor if you use up more than one sanitary pad in one hour. It may be accompanied with low back pain and contractions, and in some cases bleeding may be accompanied with clots. Women may also experience cessation of pregnancy symptoms such as tenderness in the breasts, morning sickness etc.

Types Of Pregnancy Miscarriages

There are several types of pregnancy miscarriages. An expectant mother who suffers light uterine bleeding and is found to have a closed cervix, the condition is called as a threatened miscarriage. When the expectant mother has uterine bleeding and an open cervix, the condition is referred to as an inevitable miscarriage. When the expectant mother has lost the fetus and the products of conception, it is referred to as a complete miscarriage. When the embryo dies inside the womb and the products of conception are not expelled, it is referred to as a missed miscarriage. Recurrent miscarriage occurs in some women due to any of the causes listed above. If women consult a physician before they consider getting pregnant and plan a pregnancy, exercise caution and take the necessary precautions, they can have a successful healthy pregnancy. These are a few facts about pregnancy miscarriage and a few tips on how to avoid it.

Pregnancy miscarriage is a serious pregnancy complication, which means termination of pregnancy. Many women face this problem. However, if you keep in mind the basics of pre pregnancy care for healthy pregnancy before getting pregnant and keep a close watch on your pregnancy health and pregnancy symptoms when you get pregnant, you can reduce the risk of miscarriage. Pregnancy Planning provides more information on pregnancy complications, pregnancy stages, pregnancy exercises, maternity clothes, and much more?

2011年5月25日 星期三

Early Pregnancy Sign And Symptoms - An Overview

Every woman is advised to observe all early pregnancy sign and symptoms, before she approaches her doctor. These pregnancy symptoms are signals sent by your body to make you aware of the fertilization and development of fetus inside your worm. There is so many ways your body sends you signals as its reactions to drastic hormonal changes taking place inside your body. These reactions include significant changes in both mental and physical health.

Though these changes bring joy by telling you that a new life is blooming within you, however, you should be prepared for a certain level of discomforts brought up by these symptoms. Check out all of the pregnancy symptoms, or early signs of pregnancy. Create a pregnancy journal or a pregnancy calendar to keep track of each symptom you undergo. Each symptom is potent enough to comprehend the fetus's development inside you. These signals can also make you aware of arousal of any pregnancy complications and help your doctor to take right step.

Hence, to detect pregnancy, the first step would be to notice every change you feel in your body. If you are not sure if the symptoms are the symptoms of pregnancy, make a list of them in a pregnancy journal and approach your doctor.

How To Make A Pregnancy Journal

A pregnancy journal or pregnancy calendar must be updated every week. Take care not to miss a single symptom or advancement that speaks of progress or development of the fetus growing inside. In this regard, you can take help of the online weekly pregnancy calendars to keep trace of every stage of fetus's development. These calendars help mothers to make an entry of every sign of pregnancy they notice throughout the nine months of journey toward childbirth.

Now let us find out what are the possible early pregnancy sign and symptoms -

Fatigue - Sudden onset of tiredness is one of the early pregnancy sign and symptoms. Havoc hormonal changes inside your body that supports your baby's development are to blame for this heightened level of tiredness. You may feel like taking a nap now and then and may make you feel having rest throughout the day.
Fainting - You may faint or may undergo sudden feeling of dizziness. As per medical professionals, this is quite normal is the result of low blood pressure disorder caused during pregnancy.
Spotting/Bleeding - Due to implantation of the fertilized egg at the inner walls of the uterus, you might notice slight vaginal bleeding in the form of pinkish color. This bleeding accompanies slight abdominal pain. However, heavier pain and bleeding draws medical attention and signal pregnancy complications, therefore, call for your doctor immediately.

Other very common early pregnancy sign and symptoms are nausea, high body temperature, increased discharge etc. These are the very early symptoms of pregnancy. There is another phase of pregnancy expecting mothers should be aware of, that is 'luteal phase'. This phase marks the duration of 12 to 15 days from the ovulation. This is the most ripe period when the vaginal areas bears slightly higher temperature for promote fertilization. Women who are planning pregnancy must check out this phase. Women can also use this luteal phase symptoms, signs to detect early pregnancy, if the periods are still overdue even if the luteal phase passed. On order to understand the exact period of your luteal phase, carry out a blood tests or and take measurements of your hormonal levels.

Early pregnancy sign and symptoms could be different for different women. Therefore, mere presence of pregnancy symptoms or early signs of pregnancy should not be taken as a confirmation of pregnancy. When you see early pregnancy symptoms, make a note of the symptoms and consult your doctor for confirmatory test. Early Pregnancy Symptoms offers more on early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

Chronic Diseases and Pregnancy

Speaking about health before pregnancy, we mean way of life, nutrition, physical activity, habits, and also possible chronic diseases, such as heightened blood pressure or diabetes. If you have such diseases, then you just have to visit a doctor beforehand. You know, this may complicate pregnancy, bring harm to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor which medicinal preparations and in which doses you take. Doctor will recommend you tests and observations you should pass, for example, X-ray photography. Try to discuss all questions you have for the moment.

It is much simpler to think over a strategy of treatment before pregnancy and then worrying about complications.


Diabetes - it is a disease, appearing as a result of lack of insulin in organism, this hormone is produced by pancreas. If you have diabetes, it will be more difficult for you to become pregnant. Moreover, diabetes can influence passing of pregnancy seriously. First of all, it can become a reason of miscarriage or giving birth to a dead baby. Secondly, women suffering from diabetes can give birth to babies with inborn defects.

You can reduce risk of such complications due to constant control of sugar content in blood during pregnancy. If you don't care of your state, then diabetes while pregnancy may turn out to be dangerous both for you and your future baby. Majority of complications, connected with diabetes, are displayed during first trimester, i.e. during first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy may cause complications of state while diabetes, what will require increase of insulin doses. This can be easily determined with help of test on sugar content in blood. Majority of doctors recommend taking a special care of this disease development during at least 2-3 months before conception. This will help to reduce probability of risk of miscarriage or other problems. Probably, you will have to pass tests on sugar content in blood several times per day, to control disease completely and avoid possible complications. Past experience shows that women, suffering from diabetes, had serious problems with conception and passing of pregnancy. But die to complete and constant control even women-diabetics can count on successful result of pregnancy and delivery.

If in your family there were cases of diabetes or you have slightest suspicions as for your own health, pass tests before pregnancy surely.


About 1% of pregnant women suffer from asthma. It is impossible to predict influence of pregnancy on asthma. Half of women, suffering from this disease, notice no changes during pregnancy, about 25% feel even slight improvement, and the rest (25%) observe worsening of state.

Majority of anti-asthma remedies are safe for pregnant, but it is still better to consult a doctor as for preparation to take. Almost all who suffer from asthma know what may become a reason of fit, so avoid contact with allergens before getting pregnant and during whole pregnancy. Try to control your state yet before pregnancy.


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause complication both of mother's and unborn baby's health. For women it is connected with risk of refusal of kidneys work, probability of hypertensic crisis or headache. Increase of a future mother's blood pressure may become a reason for decrease of blood inflow to placenta, what will lead to delays of fetus development, i.e. a baby will weigh less, than normal while birth.

If you had high blood pressure before pregnancy, then you just have to take care of it during all 9 months. Probably, gynaecologist will send you to therapeutist's or family doctor's observation with this purpose.

Before making a decision to become pregnant, women, suffering from hypertension, should consult a doctor. Some remedies against high blood pressure are safe for pregnant, some are not. On no account quit taking pills and reduce dose without a doctor's prescription! This can be dangerous. If you plan giving birth to a baby, ask you doctor about remedies you are taking against high blood pressure, and about safety of taking these medicines during pregnancy.

Heart diseases

During pregnancy load on heart increases about 50%. If you have sick heart, it is necessary for your doctor to know about it before you become pregnant.

Some heart diseases, such as mitral valve prolapse, can seriously complicate passing of pregnancy. Probably, you will even have to take antibiotics before delivery. Other heart diseases, such as inborn heart disease, may seriously influence state of health. In this case pregnancy and delivery are sometimes contra-indicated.

Consult your doctor as for heart diseases before you become pregnant.

Kidneys and urinary bladder diseases

Infections of urinary system, in particular urinary bladder, often appear during pregnancy. If you don't cure disease in time, infection may pass to kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.

Infections of urinary bladder and pyelonephritis may lead to premature birth. If you ever suffered from pyelonephritis or repeating infections of urinary system, this should be determined before pregnancy.

Stones in kidneys also may complicate passing of pregnancy. This disease is accompanied by severe pains in lower part of belly, so it is quite difficult to diagnose it during pregnancy. Moreover, stones in kidneys may become a reason of appearance of infections of urinary system and pyelonephritis.

If you ever had some only infection of urinary bladder, you should not worry a lot. But you still should inform your doctor about it. He will decide whether you need to pass more careful observation before pregnancy.

Thyroid gland diseases

Thyroid gland diseases may appear both because of excess or lack of thyroid hormone. Excess of hormone is called thyrotoxicosis. In this case metabolism in human organism is speeded up. This may be caused by Graves' disease. Thyrotoxicosis is usually cured with help of operation of medicinal remedies, reducing content of thyroid hormone in organism. If you don't cure this disease, there's rather high level of risk premature birth and giving birth to a baby with low weight.

You can carry our treatment during pregnancy too: there're quite safe preparations, which pregnant women may take.

Lack of thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism - is usually caused by disease of autoimmune origin. In this case thyroid gland is damaged by anti-bodies, which are produced by your organism. While hypothyroidism taking of thyroid hormones is prescribed. Not cured hypothyroidism threatens with sterility or habitual noncarrying of pregnancy.

If you have thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism, you need to pass through observation before pregnancy, to determine doses of medicinal remedies, necessary for treatment. In the process of pregnancy your necessity in preparations may change, and then you will have to pass another observation.


Anemia means that there's lack of haemoglobin in your organism. There're several reasons and in connection with this several kinds of anemia. Symptoms of anemia are weakness, giddiness, lack of air and pale skin.

During pregnancy necessity of organism in iron and iron-containing substances increases. If in the beginning of pregnancy you suffer from lack of iron in blood, anemia increases this lack. So you need to take vitamins and preparations, containing full choice of microelements, necessary for organism.

One of specific types of anemia - sicle-cell disease, which is passed genetically: it is mainly spread among black population. If you suffer from sicle-cell disease, your organism is deprived of oxygen. Passing of this kind of anemia can be very painful, and it also may serve as a reason for other diseases and complications during pregnancy. Sicle-cell disease cannot be cured and may be passed to your baby. Women, suffering from sicle-cell disease, have very high percent of miscarriages and infections of urinary system. They also may suffer from high blood pressure and painful hypertension strokes.

Another kind of anemia - thalassanemia is also passed genetically. If some of your relatives suffers from thalassanemia or you suppose you can have it, check it before pregnancy.


Lupus is a vascular disease of autoimmune origin. This means your organism produces anti-bodies that may destroy your organs or influence functions of these organs negatively. Lupus can affect different organs, including joints, kidneys, lungs and heart.

This disease is hard to diagnose. One woman of 700 in the age from 15 to 64 years suffers from lupus. Among black women it is met more often, in one case of 254. As a rule, lupus more often strikes women, than men, especially women of genital age, i.e. from 20 to 40 years.

Lupus treatment is highly individual and usually means taking if steroids. It is better not to become pregnant during fit of this disease, as miscarriages are extremely often among women suffering from lupus. Risk of giving birth to a dead baby also increases.

Babies, born from mothers, suffering from lupus, can have rash. They also can have different heart diseases. Premature birth and delay of pre-natal development of fetus are also quite possible.

If you suffer from lupus, consult your doctor before pregnancy definitely.

Epilepsy and epileptic seizures

Epilepsy - is a chronic disease, characterized by different kinds of seizures (fits). Most often epilepsy is displayed by big and small epileptic seizures. Chance of giving birth to a baby with epileptic disease can be 1 of 30 for women, suffering from epilepsy. Such babies have risk of in-born diseases, probably, connected with medicines, which a future mother took during pregnancy.

If you take medicines against epilepsy, it is very important to consult your doctor before pregnancy. Discuss doses and type of medicines, which you take, as many preparations, relieving seizures of epilepsy, cause in-born diseases in babies. However, there are safe remedies for fetus, for example, Phenobarbital.

Seizures can be dangerous both for mother and fetus. So it is especially important to take remedies precisely according to a doctor's prescription during pregnancy. On no account reduce dose or quit taking medicine yourself, without a doctor!


About 15-20% of all pregnant women suffer from migraine. Many women notice improvement of health during pregnancy. If you are going to take pills against headache during pregnancy, check with your doctor how much they are safe for you and future baby.

Cancerous growths

A question of probability of cancer's influence on pregnancy depends on the fact which organ it stroke and how wide is growth. Breast cancer is most often form of cancer, met among women. If you had breast cancer, this will not influence pregnancy anyway, and pregnancy, in its turn, will not cause breast cancer.

Many doctors advice to wait 2-3 years with childbirth after breast cancer treatment. It is very important to discuss case history and method of treatment with your doctor yet before pregnancy. Situation may become quite complicated, if you are pregnant and pass treatment at the same time. Many medicines and remedies against cancer are not safe for future mother and baby.

Other diseases

We examined only some chronic diseases. However, any disease can be dangerous for future baby. So if you suffer from some chronic disease or have to take medicines constantly, discuss it with your doctor.

General rule is following: it is better not to take medicines or pass any medical treatment at the moment of conception and on early stages of pregnancy. Laying of all organs and tissues of a baby takes place during 1st trimester of pregnancy, and during this period you need to protect a future baby from harmful influences of medicines or observations. You will feel better and calmer, if you solve all these problems before pregnancy.

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy.

She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

2011年5月24日 星期二

How To Achieve A Healthy Pregnancy

For most women, pregnancy is a time of great joy, excitement and anticipation. Pregnancy is a time of physical and emotional change when lots of changes occur naturally within your body. If you are a smoker, then use your pregnancy, or the time when you are planning pregnancy to quit smoking and stay quit after the baby is born. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of non-syndromic orofacial clefts in infants. Smoking during pregnancy is a very bad choice. Pregnancy is a time to "listen'' to your body - it is not a time to be dieting, and trying to lose weight.

How can I Achieve a Healthy Pregnancy

The key to a healthy pregnancy is planning it in the first place. Eating well can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy newborn - Healthy mum, healthy pregnancy. If you try to stay as healthy as you can during your pregnancy this will give you the best chance of delivering a healthy baby at full term.

As an expectant mother, your top priority should be healthy eating. Eating well should begin before you become pregnant so your body will be stocked up with the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy. Shortly after finding out that you have conceived you should see a doctor, as your doctor can explain to you about healthy pregnancy weight gain. Staying healthy is doubly important when you're pregnant.

Exercise is also an important part of a healthy pregnancy, exercise can help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight faster and also have a faster, easier birth.

Adequate sleep is essential to promote a healthy pregnancy. Talking with a health care provider is one of the most important things women and families can do to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Even before conception, it is absolutely essential to plan for a healthy pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle, even before you become pregnant is the best way to give your baby a healthy start. If you're planning to become pregnant, prepare for a healthy pregnancy by taking care of medical and dental concerns beforehand. Pregnancy is NOT the time to be on a weight loss program.

What Are The First Symptoms Of Pregnancy?

In my experience, very early symptoms of pregnancy are not always text book. There are many different signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and although most women expect certain symptoms to come with pregnancy, these do vary according to individual women and to their individual pregnancies. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy are generally nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness, but not everybody experiences these. Nausea is actually a good sign as it tells the doctor that the pregnancy is likely to be going on well in terms of hormones. The most commonly looked for early sign of pregnancy is missing a menstrual period. Although you may find you have a lot of the symptoms, the only way to truly tell if you are pregnant is to obtain a positive pregnancy test. Blood tests can confirm a pregnancy within days of conception if pregnancy is suspected and you really can't wait to find out. Women should always report worrying signs or symptoms to their doctor during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing phenomenon of nature that is the core of our existence. One of the easiest and best ways to avoid problems and complications during pregnancy is to get regular medical exams from your doctor or midwife. Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life, and you should take care of yourself and your unborn baby. During pregnancy women are offered a range of tests which are designed to check whether the baby is developing normally and if the pregnancy is going well.

Pregnancy is a very exciting time in most women's lives, but for others an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy is not such welcome news. If the pregnancy is unexpected, you may be feeling scared or confused. This is a usual reaction to an unplanned pregnancy. There are many organizations that can and will assist, and it is always good to be able to talk to the father, friends and family to help get your feelings into perspective.

For more information on Pregnancy, symptoms, and much more visit our Pregnancy Information Site [http://www.pregnancyzone.net]. Here you can also view details of our Pregnancy Guide Healthy Pregnancy - Good Health for Yourself and Your Baby [http://www.pregnancyzone.net/book/index.php]

Please feel free to use this article in its entirety but keep all links intact.

2011年5月23日 星期一

Pregnancy Diet - Watch Your Nutrition

Pregnancy is not only most creative and fulfilling phase of womanhood but it teaches you to be more responsible and caring towards yourself particularly with respect to pregnancy diet and nutrition. In the pregnancy period, your baby, whom you are creating with your flesh and blood, is still very much part of your body and for that you need more nutrition intake. During pregnancy, nutritional needs are increased, both to support the rapid growing fetus and to supplement the needs of your changing body structure.

Plan your pregnancy diet in such a way that you are the only supply line for your unborn baby's nutrition needs. Your eating habits will decide your baby's health and well-being. Poor eating or rather unhealthy food habits can adversely affect your pregnancy diet and nutrition and result in conditions like anemia, pre-eclampsia, mood swings, fatigue, leg cramps, constipation, etc.

Pregnancy: Celebrate It With Healthy Pregnancy Diet

During pregnancy, every bite counts. Whatever an expectant mother eats or hates to eat, affects her child. According to a recent research, besides physical development, intelligence of a child and his/her mental faculty depends a lot on the diet and nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, one does not need extra calories per se in pregnancy diet. However, one needs to have lots of high protein, calcium, vitamins such as Vitamins B12, B6, vitamin D iron, zinc and folic acid (it has been proved after myriad researches that even a simple tablet of folic acid prevents severe neurological- brain and spinal cord disorders). In addition, minerals, essential fatty acids and substantial calories are all-important for the fetus' all-round development and therefore should be essential components of pregnancy diet and nutrition plan.

As the pregnancy period progresses, one must start eating more of proteins in the pregnancy diet. A pregnant woman needs approximately 300 calories more than normal during last 6 months of pregnancy. In first three months of pregnancy, your weight gain should be 3-5 pounds in per month but in last 6 months, you should not gain more than 3 pounds per month. Your pregnancy diet and nutrition chart should be designed in accordance with these acceptable weight gain goals.

Foods To Include In Pregnancy Diet

You should include fresh, light, wholesome, high fiber foods in your pregnancy diet in form of porridge (minerals and natural fiber); dairy (calcium); red vegetables like carrot and tomatoes (carotene); red and orange fruits like apples and oranges (vitamin B complex). Walnuts, almonds and raisins (vitamin and minerals); leafy vegetables like cabbage, spinach, broccoli (calcium and iron); brown rice, jaggery, lotus stem (iron); sprouts, lentil and pulses (protein), curd, buttermilk, paneer and of course plenty of milk (calcium) are important ingredients of pregnancy diet.

During the pregnancy period, eat five small meals a day instead of three heavy meals. Also, reduce your intake of fat, sugar and salt. Do not indulge in overeating during pregnancy because if you eat too much you will feel uncomfortable.

One basic mantra of staying healthy is to drink lots of water (will prevent dehydration and wash out the toxins of body) as soon as you wake up in the morning and after your afternoon nap It helps clean your digestive system too. You might be scared you would vomit if you drink more water, when you have nausea, which is normal in pregnancy, but the fact is, water helps to flush out the toxins from your body.

During pregnancy, strictly avoid junk food because they just give you empty calories (and extra pounds) without the nutritional benefits of healthier foods also avoid caffeine and alcohol fats, oily food, additives and unpasteurized food.

Besides healthy eating and maintaining a healthy pregnancy diet and nutrition plan in consultation with your doctor, you should do yoga and other light exercises under expert medical advice. Last but not the least, try to remain stress free, meditate and in this period of your pregnancy increase your connectivity with the Almighty. This will definitely shower you and your baby with positive energy.

So, be cool, relax, and celebrate your pregnancy and be a responsible and caring mom-to-be with balanced pregnancy diet and nutrition.

Pregnancy diet is the most important factor to take care when you are pregnant. Pregnancy diet and nutrition is important because not only it keeps you healthy and fit during pregnancy but it also provides vital nutrition to your baby who is dependant on you during the pregnancy period. Visit Pregnancy Planning for more information regarding pregnancy diet and other issues related to pregnancy.

2011年5月22日 星期日

Pregnancy Tests Are Necessary When Pregnancy Symptoms Are Not Conclusive Enough

In ancient times, adequate information was not available for detecting pregnancy in women. People used unconventional methods to predict if a woman was pregnant. Checking for pregnancy symptoms ranged from abdominal distention and cramps to testing on animals. However, in modern times, the pregnant woman has ample exposure to various sources of information and sophisticated methods have been developed for pregnancy tests.

A pregnancy test may simply be defined as a test to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. A pregnancy test works by measuring the levels of a hormone called human chronionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman's urine samples. hCG is a hormone released by trophoblastic tissue in the placenta. The levels of hCG also rapidly rises at the rate of double in every two days in the bloodstream. The different types of tests such as hCG Measurement, Doubling rules, Obstetric Sonography may be conducted at various points of time during pregnancy. Each test may be explained as follows:

hCG Measurement

These tests provide effective results, if tested on a person after a missed menstruation or 2-3 weeks after ovulation. All these tests look for the occurence of the beta subunit of hCG which occurs after six to twelve days after fertilization. Most pregnancy tests can be conducted in the comfort of your home.

Such pregnancy tests may be used to detect the pregnancy in the initial stages before visiting a doctor. These pregnancy tests are available in the market in two formats - test strips and midstream tests. These tests are very easy and simple to follow with detailed instructions mentioned in the test itself.

Doubling Rule

Doubling rule is another type of pregnancy test that doctors use to perform quantitative serum beta hCG levels. Pregnancy is measured by levels of mIU/ml, and a level above 25mIU/ml indicates the presence of a pregnancy. These tests are verified for a normal increase in the interval of 2-3 days. If the hCG levels do not increase in a normal manner, it is an indication of the pregnancy not developing properly. It is an alert for a possible miscarriage also known as ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy could also be predicted when the hCG levels fail to double.

Obstretric ultrasongraphy is another type of pregnancy test conducted as the pregnancy progresses. When the pregnancy has advanced about 6-8 weeks, more information can be obtained in real time through sonography about the well-being and development of the fetus.

Pregnancy Testing - Signs of Pregnancy

Apart from pregnancy tests, a woman may also look for the following changes or signs of pregnancy in her body such as:

Breasts become tender and swollen as a result of increased hormone leves.
Rise in progestosterone levels during pregnancy cause you to feel more tired than normal. Fatigue is a common factor among all pregnant women.
Nausea and/or vomiting. Morning sickness affects most women about a month following conception and usually stops by the end of the second trimester.
Frequent urination. Extra fluids produced by your body presents more of a load for your kidneys to process, as well as the pressure of the growing baby on your bladder creates the urge to urinate.
Heightened sensitivity to odors. You may notice that certain odors can cause you to feel sick or trigger a gag reflex, even if they normally had no affect on you. This may be caused by increasing levels of estrogen in your body.

Pregnancy is a joyous phase, which can result in a healthy delivery provided the mother-to-be is well aware of the need to take requisite care, maintains a healthy and balanced diet and a happy and relaxed demeanor.

Signs of pregnancy indicate towards pregnancy. However, pregnancy symptoms cannot confirm pregnancy undergoing a pregnancy test becomes necessary.

For details about signs and symptoms of pregnancy, pregnancy testing and other information related to pregnancy, visit Pregnancy Period

Pregnancy: Tips to Minimize Bitter Morning Sickness

So mom to be! It's your pregnancy phase and your mornings are no longer good mornings, rather they are bad mornings. Even in the daytime whenever you wake up from a nap after dreaming about your little bundle of joy, you find that you are down with nausea during pregnancy, an uneasy feeling of discomfort. Don't worry, relax. Here are some tips to minimize this temporary rough patch which sometimes tries to overshadow the beautiful experience of motherhood during pregnancy.

Pregnancy cannot be separated from morning sickness or nausea or vomiting during pregnancy, or pregnancy sickness. If any mom-to-be is feeling well and rosy during the entire pregnancy period, she should consider herself lucky but in most cases (between 50 and 95 percent of all pregnant women) morning sickness is termed the bitter part of pregnancy. It is, at the same time, a natural phenomenon during pregnancy so there isn't much to worry about. Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day, though it occurs most often upon waking.
Morning sickness usually starts in the first month of pregnancy, peaking in the fifth to seventh weeks, and continuing until the 14th to 16th week of pregnancy. For half of the sufferers, it ends by the 16th week of pregnancy. It may take others up to another month to get relief. Some women suffer intermittent episodes throughout their pregnancy.
The exact reason of nausea during pregnancy is not known yet. According to experts, it is most probably due to raised hormonal level i.e. human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) during pregnancy. There could be other reasons too, such as :-
An increase in the circulating level of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen levels may increase by up to a hundredfold during pregnancy.

Fall in blood sugar during pregnancy.
An increase in progesterone relaxes the muscles in the uterus, but may also relax the stomach and intestines, leading to excess stomach acids during pregnancy .
An increase in sensitivity to odors during pregnancy, which over stimulates normal nausea triggers.
Few time tested remedies to deal with morning sickness during pregnancy, and which are also endorsed by grannies, are offered.
Avoid an empty stomach in the pregnancy period. Take toast preferably made of coarse grain with milk or tea on an empty stomach; or a glass of water with biscuit before you rise from bed. Through the day, drink plenty of fruit juice, buttermilk or skimmed milk.
Don't cut out on meals or food- instead eat less but at short intervals. Else throwing up can leave you dehydrated, harming the baby too.
Focus on high carbohydrate food- whole meal bread, potatoes, brown rice, cereals. Eating five or six small meals per day, rather than three large ones throughout the pregnancy will certainly ease your nausea problem.
Avoid greasy or fried food during pregnancy, as these take longer to digest.
Don't lie down right after you eat during pregnancy, it will make you uncomfortable.
In pregnancy period don't indulge in over work. Take all the rest you can. There is nothing like a good sleep. A nap too will make you feel better.
Ginger, in capsules, tea or in any form helps a lot in pregnancy sickness.
Vitamin B6 and zinc are known to reduce nausea, but take them under expert medical guidance. Alternatively take a banana, raisin or hazelnut. They are wonderful remedies for reducing nausea during pregnancy.
Lemons, particularly the smell of freshly cut lemons, might refresh you during pregnancy.
Drink liquids 30 to 45 minutes after eating solid food as this aids in digestion during pregnancy.
More often than not, the desire to vomit is quelled by these simple measures. If not, the doctor can counter nausea with certain medicines. Also request your doctor to prescribe medicines for acidity, pain, and discomfort during pregnancy.
Do adequate light exercise. Start slowly and work yourself up to a tempo. Exercise reduces unwanted fat, particularly in the last trimester of pregnancy. Studies shows nausea can be reduced by regular mild exercises such as walking. Walking therapy will definitely make you feel good especially if you are residing by some green patch. Be one with nature and enjoy cool relaxed walking.

Pregnancy is a time to enjoy and not to be stressed out. Make your pregnancy a beautiful and celestial experience. God has been very kind to women because he has bestowed the right of creating living humans to women alone, and you create a beautiful new life out of your own blood and flesh. Start relaxation, meditation or any other spiritual practice that will calm and center you and help you rid yourself of any anxiety or stress. Put on either some spiritual music, calm instrumental music, chants or other music that makes you feel relaxed and at peace.

Morning sickness is the indicator of your journey towards motherhood. Take precautions to avoid the inconvenience during this first stage of pregnancy. Take care and enjoy your precious Pregnancy Period.

2011年5月21日 星期六

Symptoms Of Early IVF pregnancy - Signs Of An In Vitro Pregnancy

Most of the women under in vitro pregnancy feel confused what would be their symptoms of early IVF pregnancy. Women, who do not conceive naturally, can conceive artificially through in vitro process. Therefore, they often feel whether IVF pregnancy symptoms resemble symptoms of natural pregnancies or not. Following an IVF pregnancy, the egg is taken outside in a Petri dish to fertilize. After fertilization, the egg is again implanted in the body. However, this is an artificial process of being pregnant, the course of the pregnancy advances as the normal period of pregnancy advances. However, after much discussion on IVF pregnancy symptoms, confusions related to this topic has prevailed. Let us talk about the procedures of IVF pregnancy and the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy.

What Is IVF Pregnancy?

This IVF pregnancy has brought ray of hopes to many women who have not been able to become pregnant naturally. Fortunately, this IVF pregnancy also consists of painless procedures. As the egg is fertilized in a Petri dish, it is planted in the womb of by the help of a catheter. The symptoms of early IVF pregnancy come to surface as the fertilized egg is implanted at the walls of uterus. Once the egg is implanted, mother's body starts generating hormones to support advancement of pregnancy. As the pregnancy symptoms start showing up, take note of each of the signs and prepare a pregnancy journal. However, one must know the date when the egg was fertilized in the womb, otherwise, it is pretty challenging to make a pregnancy journal in case of an IVF pregnancy. So, start with recording the date of the implantation of the fertilized egg in your uterus.

What Are The Symptoms Of IVF Pregnancy?

After the egg is implanted in the uterus, and as your pregnancy is determined through an ultrasound, your body commence showing up symptoms of early IVF pregnancy. These symptoms are usually the symptoms of normal pregnancy. Following is a list of probable signs you can expect in an IVF pregnancy -

Enhanced level of basal body temperature

An overdue periods or amenorrhea

Tender and sore breasts

Cramping sensation in lower abdominal area

Discomforts of nausea and queasiness throughout the day

Increased aversion and fondness to certain foods and fragrances.

Dizziness and increased level of exhaustion and fainting.

Sudden onset of mood swings

Lower back pain

Urinating frequently

Role of HCG in IVF Pregnancy

HCG hormone is known as the pregnancy hormone and is produced after the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. In an interval of few days, this hormone is secreted in the blood and lead to arousal of symptoms of early pregnancy. However, during an IVF pregnancy, this hormone gets released a bit later in comparison to the normal pregnancy. This is the reason, the IVF pregnancy symptoms take a bit longer to arrive. If you are at this stage of IVF pregnancy, you should better consult a doctor or medical process to get your pregnancy confirmed, than to wait for its symptoms. Using an urine test, doctors detect IVF pregnancy. Undergo an HPT or positive urine test or ultrasound to be confirmed of your pregnancy if the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy are yet to show up.

Many women who opt for in vitro pregnancy also known as IVF Pregnancy ask questions if the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy are different from normal pregnancy symptoms. early pregnancy symptoms provides more information on this and other early signs of pregnancy such as early pregnancy symptom spotting, early pregnancy symptom cramping and much more.

2011年5月20日 星期五

Sign Of Pregnancy - What Indicates You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy calls for onset of mixed feelings with its each sign of pregnancy. Women tend to be extremely elated as well feel tremendous anxiety and depression. If you are expecting or planning for pregnancy, these pregnancy symptoms give hint if you are advancing towards pregnancy. When the pregnancy is not planned, early pregnancy symptoms help women take their decision.

However, amongst all the probable signs of pregnancy, which should herald the rest of the symptoms cannot be predicted as they vary extremely. Not just the sequence of pregnancy symptoms, the intensity of those tends to range from dramatic to subtle from one woman to another. Many of pregnant women have reported to experience more than one signs of pregnancy - many notice a combination of two, three or multiple first pregnancy symptoms. Now get to know what are the possible symptoms through which you can detect a new life is being implanted in your body. It is the first sign of pregnancy that tells a woman to be prepared for pregnancy or how to go ahead with pregnancy. Expecting mothers are advised to keep themselves as healthy as possible as she must be prepared for myriad duties to be taken and to be done in the midnight after childbirth such as change of diapers, feeding at odd hours, insufficient sleeping etc.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Following are some of the usual symptoms pregnant women are likely to experience.

Missed period is considered as one of the surest signals of pregnancy. Women who are planning for pregnancy are found to wait for an overdue period to be confirmed about their pregnancy. However, relying on this single sign of pregnancy is not advised by doctors anymore, as some other factors can effect in a delayed period. Moreover, if you wait for this symptom, you might have to wait a couple of weeks to a month for finding signals of pregnancy. Look for other symptoms of pregnancy that might surface within a few days after conceiving.

Tender Breasts is one of the signs of pregnancy that may occur after a few days within conception takes place. You may notice the breasts to become more sensitive than before and feels sore and tender. They not only seem tenderer, they can be a bit enlarged than earlier. There is one more symptom to be noticeable as the pigmented area surrounding the nipples or areola. The areola tends to darken in the very early trimester of pregnancy.

Vaginal Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy that takes place because of the implantation of the fertilized eggs in the uterus. As the fertilized egg gets adhered to the inner walls of uterus, it results in slight bleeding through vagina. The bleeding usually accompanies a bit cramping in abdomen and appears pinkish in color. This may last for about 2 to 3 days. However, if the bleeding is heavy and cramping seems to intensify, may signal severe pregnancy complications like miscarriages or ectopic pregnancy. Rush to your doctor if you notice such symptom.

You may also be prone to expect morning sickness or increased feeling of nausea, increased body temperature, tremendous fatigue etc. You may witness one of the many signs of pregnancy at a time or a combination of two, three or even more than that.

Mere presence of a sign of pregnancy does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. It is true that symptoms of pregnancy indicate towards pregnancy but the confirmation can only be through a pregnancy test. To get more information regarding pregnancy symptoms, and what you can do to cope with them, visit Early Pregnancy Symptom.

Know Your Pregnancy Week By Week To Cope With It

Knowing all you can about pregnancy week by week helps you to understand the minute details of movements taking place inside your womb. Doing so is an interesting idea. This write-up seeks to help every pregnant woman become a better-informed mom and to cope with the pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy complications.

Pregnancy Week By Week

Pregnancy Week 1-Week 4

The 1st week of pregnancy commences with the day of the woman's last period. By the end of 4th week of pregnancy, there is fertilization of the egg and the beginning of a new life. This is the time when the early pregnancy symptoms start showing in.

Pregnancy Week 5-8

This period is the right time for taking the pregnancy test. It is commonplace for the tests to be accurate around this period. By the 6th week, the would-be baby's heart starts beating! The future mom might start experiencing morning sickness during the 7th week. Moreover, by the 8th week, her fetus has small arms and legs!

Pregnancy Week 9-12

It is between the 9th and 12th week that the pregnant woman's stomach gets enlarged to make room for her fast developing fetus. She notices a variety of changes in her body. The fetus begins moving inside the mum, though she may not necessarily realize it yet. And by the 12th week, the intensity of morning sickness starts lessening.

Pregnancy Week 13-16

Between the 13th and 16th week, it is possible to know the gender of the baby with a low level of certainty. At the end of the 14th week, the mother can listen to her future baby's heartbeat during the visit to a clinic. She also notices movements of her baby, as her bones begin to become hard.

Pregnancy Week 17-20

The period from 17th to 20th week marks fast development of internal organs of the baby. The fetus is covered by fine hair called 'lanugo.' During this phase of pregnancy, it is feasible to know the gender of the fetus accurately by taking an ultrasound test.

Pregnancy Week 21-24

Around the 21st week, the fetus begins to learn breathing. The woman may experience few contractions during this phase, as her uterus begins preparation for the task of giving birth. When one approaches the 24th week, the process of fat depositing starts in the baby, which helps maintain the body temperature after its birth. By keeping an account of pregnancy week by week, one becomes mentally and physically prepared to negotiate with the changes occurring in one's body.

Pregnancy Week 25-28

By this time, the woman's uterus is congested and there is less movement of her baby. There is an important thing to note for the mom: her baby can distinguish between darkness and light and can also hear sounds from the external world.

Pregnancy Week 29-32

Around the 29th week, the baby's head grows rapidly in proportion to the rest of the body. Its eyes and brain are developed to a large extent. When one approaches the 32nd week, only lungs remain to be fully developed.

Pregnancy Week 33-36

When the 33rd week begins, the fetus can open and close its eyes. Its finger nails get developed during this time. During the 36th week, the embryo has a weight of approximately 4 pounds and is 16 inches long.

Pregnancy Week 37-40

This is the climax of the entire pregnancy. By this time all the organs of the baby, except the lungs, are developed. Lungs, however, continue to develop. There can be childbirth anytime between the 38th and 40th week because the baby is ready to land on this planet!

Dear would-be-mom, thank you very much for taking some precious time this pregnancy week by week article. And now, of course, get ready to welcome your baby. Good luck!

If you track your pregnancy week by week, you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy period in an enjoyable way. When you know week-by-week pregnancy symptoms, you will be aware of early pregnancy symptoms, and get ready to take a pregnancy test on time and be prepared to face pregnancy complications such as morning sickness. Pregnancy Week By Week provides more details about week-by-week pregnancy developments.

2011年5月19日 星期四

Check The Awaited Pregnancy - Undertake A Home Pregnancy Test

Have the 40 weeks of week by week pregnancy begun? Am I pregnant? Is it time for paternity testing? If this is what you are thinking than taking a pregnancy test is on the cards. The extensive medical test sure can be referred to, yet as a prelim confirmation, an early pregnancy test also referred to as pregnancy test at home can also be considered. It helps give a basic indication as to whether the early pregnancy symptoms you are experiencing are true or misguiding, especially if you have skipped a period.

The Technicality behind a Home Pregnancy Test

Any kind of pregnancy test is conducted with the objective of checking the presence of hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone), which starts getting produced in a pregnant woman's body during the initial stages of week by week pregnancy. Also known as pregnancy hormone, this can be checked by way of a urine test, which can be conducted at home or by a blood test, which is facilitated by a health care practitioner.

Can An EPT Pregnancy Test Be Relied Upon?

As evident, the accuracy of the home pregnancy test undertaken also depends heavily upon the presence of this hCG hormone. It starts getting made when the fertilized egg is implanted, usually after 6/7 days of conception. However, in a few cases, there is a probability that the same cannot be detected till at least 15 days. Therefore, an early pregnancy test might not be an accurate and precise indicator of the confirmed pregnancy. The accuracy indicator improves with time and is close to 100%, if you've skipped a period.

Another important accuracy parameter relates to the usage of home pregnancy test kit. The kit manufacturing company is not to be blamed, if you are not very careful about the usage directions. A basic home early pregnancy test kit usually requires urine collection in a container & then dipping a checking instrument in it. After few minutes, as instructed on the pregnancy test kit packet, inspection of the dipped instrument would give pregnancy indications.

Another factor that could interfere with the easy testing procedure is usage of medication. This could give misleading positive interpretations, even when there is actually no pregnancy.

And last but not the least, like any other medical instrument or drug, do check the pregnancy test kit's expiry date. Only a valid kit can generate substantial results.

An Early Indicator

Despite the above-mentioned probabilities, a home pregnancy test is the best indicator that can help prepare for the 40 weeks of week-by-week pregnancy that wait ahead. It could be inaccurate at times, but the latest variants introduced in market are quite sensitive and hence reflect the true status of whether you are pregnant or not. A visit to the doctor should put to rest all speculation.

Pregnancy begins a few weeks before you start tracking your Pregnancy week by week. A confirmatory pregnancy test such as an online pregnancy test, home pregnancy test, or an ept pregnancy test also known as the early pregnancy test marks the formal announcement of the fact that you are all set for the much-awaited journey towards motherhood. Pregnancy Week By Week provides more information about pregnancy testing; pregnancy related issues and even complicated and sensitive issues such as paternity testing.

Various Types Of Pregnancy Tests

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. Over the counter home pregnancy tests are also as effective as the tests carried out at the primary health care provider's office. These tests are the starting point for you to make an appointment with your primary health care provider, if you test positive. It's important to immediately undergo other tests in order to check whether the pregnancy is normal or if there are any abnormalities such as an ectopic pregnancy.

Types Of Pregnancy Tests

Urine Based Tests: These tests are most popular and more convenient than the other types. All that you need to do is to purchase over the counter urine home pregnancy test kit. Normally this consists of a cup into which the woman has to urinate and a special stick that has to be immersed in the urine for a specific amount of time. If you follow the instructions correctly as given along with the kit, you'll come to know whether you are pregnant or not. The results are fairly accurate most of the time. Most clinics also adopt this method of pregnancy test.

There is another method of urine pregnancy test in which the woman has to hold a special stick in the stream of urine for a specific amount of time. This is a much neater type of test and is preferred by most women. This method can also be used as an early pregnancy test since it can detect the presence of hCG pregnancy hormone as soon as the embryo has attached itself to the uterine wall.

Blood Tests For Pregnancy: Blood tests are normally more reliable and are carried out by doctors in order to detect human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), the presence of which indicates that the placenta has started to grow as a result of the attachment of the embryo to the uterine lining. This can also be found out through urine tests but blood tests are more reliable. Normally the doctor runs more tests to check your overall health so that proper prenatal vitamins and medications can be prescribed to keep you and your growing baby healthy.

Blood tests are preferred by most couples who have had infertility problems and are anxious to find out whether the pregnancy test results are positive as the blood test can be done as early as seven days after a probable conception. It's also important to undergo a blood test as the level of hCG can be measured very accurately and possible complications or problems can easily be identified. The blood pregnancy test should only be carried out at a doctor's office although it might entail the high cost of the visit and the tests. You could also visit women's clinics for pregnancy tests if you want to reduce the expenditure.

The expectant mother should also undergo further regular tests even after the pregnancy tests have revealed that she is normal and has a healthy pregnancy. These tests are normally scheduled by the doctor and expectant mothers should be aware of them and their implications. These tests are: Complete Blood Count (CBC) test that checks for anemia or any other abnormality; Urine analysis test that checks for undesirable elements such as infection, blood, protein or any other harmful product; RH factor; Immunity from German measles; tests for sexually transmitted diseases; blood glucose test; pap smear; and screening for bacterial and viral infection.

Pregnancy tests are essential to ensure the good health of the expectant mother and the growing baby.

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. If you are anxious to know about your pregnancy, you can do a home pregnancy test or an early pregnancy test, with an EPT Pregnancy Test kit. Some sites offer free online pregnancy test as well. However, these tests are not a replacement for medical opinion and for confirmation, you should get a pregnancy test done under the supervision of your pregnancy doctor. Visit Pregnancy Test for more information on anything and everything related to pregnancy such as, pregnancy diet, pregnancy exercises, pregnancy stages, pregnancy complications, breastfeeding, and much more?

2011年5月18日 星期三

Ectopic Pregnancy - A Better Understanding

What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?

The dictionary definition of the word 'Ectopic' is an organ or body part

existing in an unusual position or form. In simple terms, an ectopic pregnancy

is a pregnancy, which is developing in the wrong place. An ectopic pregnancy

occurs when the fertilized egg (or ovum) fails to move down the fallopian tube

and into the womb (or uterus) in the normal manner. Instead, the egg or ovum

implants itself outside of the womb. Most often, (in 95% of cases), ectopic

pregnancies develop in a fallopian tube and rarely, elsewhere in the abdominal

cavity or pelvic area. For example, an egg can attach itself on an ovary, on the

neck of the womb (cervix) or on another organ within the pelvic or abdominal

area (1.5% abdominal, 0.5% ovarian & 0.03% cervical). Ectopic pregnancies do not

usually survive and many will result in a spontaneous miscarriage, others will

develop until a serious problem becomes apparent, which will require immediate

medical attention.

What Causes An Ectopic Pregnancy?

Sometimes the ovum fails to implant itself and it becomes fertilized outside of

the reproductive system. More commonly, the fertilized ovum is trapped, in the

fallopian tube and the baby continues to grow inside the tube where it can cause

the tube to burst or otherwise severely damage it. A burst tube is life

threatening and requires urgent medical attention.

In many cases, ectopic pregnancies occur when the expectant mother has damaged

fallopian tube(s). Tubes damaged, by infections such as pelvic inflammatory

disease or by previous surgery, scar tissue, endometriosis or previous ectopic

pregnancies are a high-risk factor, which significantly, increase the likelihood

of a pregnancy being ectopic. Another risk factor associated with ectopic

pregnancies is becoming pregnant, whilst using a contraceptive-coil or a

progestogen only contraceptive pill. Pregnancies resulting from in vitro

fertilization (i.e. test-tube methods) can be ectopic - even though, the

fertilized egg is placed directly into the womb, it may still attach itself

elsewhere. In some cases, none of the above risk factors are present in the

expectant mother.

What Are The Warning Signs Of An Ectopic Pregnancy?

Pain In the Abdomen - The first sign of an ectopic pregnancy can be a pain on

one side of the abdomen. This pain can be constant and severe and its onset,


Pain in the Shoulder - An alternative warning sign could be a pain in the

shoulder, which intensifies when breathing in and out.

Pain Using the Lavatory - If you suspect you are pregnant and experience pain

during visits to the bathroom you should report this to your medical


Other Warning Signs

Vaginal bleeding or unusual periods, lighter or heavier than normal, or a

strange color etc



Pallid complexion (paleness)



Increasing pulse rate

Falling blood pressure

Diagnosing An Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancies can be hard to detect as in many cases, the symptoms are no

different from those of a normal, early pregnancy, i.e. tender breasts, nausea,

vomiting, missed periods or frequent urination. If you are a sexually active

woman of childbearing age and you experience symptoms of an early pregnancy plus

any, of the above warning signs, of an ectopic pregnancy, contact your medical

practitioner immediately.

A urine pregnancy test will usually be positive but is not always apparent.

However, a specialized hCG blood test will always show a positive result. If a

pregnancy is ectopic, the womb will often be smaller than the average womb at

that stage of pregnancy and this will be detected during an internal pelvic

examination. A doctor can sometimes detect a swelling, during an internal

examination, which is evidence of an ectopic pregnancy existing.

An ultrasound scan will differentiate between a possible miscarriage, a normal

pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy.

The majority of women diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy will require surgical

intervention and/or medication. In the worst-case scenario, without this

intervention, an ectopic pregnancy can be fatal to the mother. Medical and

technological advancements mean that ectopic pregnancies are easier to detect

than ever before and therefore, they carry less risk than they did in previous

years. Technological advancements have significantly improved the treatment of

ectopic pregnancies - keyhole surgery is just one example of this.

It is vital to seek the opinion of a medical practitioner if you suspect you are

carrying an ectopic pregnancy.

David Brewer is a pregnancy expert and owner of Facts-About-Pregnancy.com [http://www.facts-about-pregnancy.com] - A comprehensive online pregnancy resource center. Visit his blog for daily updates on all types of pregnancy topics - [http://www.facts-about-pregnancy.com/blog]

Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms - Strange Pregnancy Symptoms

You must have heard of those common pregnancy symptoms and must have been mentally prepared for them. But, are you prepared for one of those highly unusual early pregnancy symptoms? At times, pregnancy symptoms can be extremely varying and unpredictable. Those symptoms raise height of anxiety and confusion, making it very difficult for women to detect their pregnancy. Many expecting mothers also get confused if those symptoms indicate complications or not, while some even fail to notify their doctors being unaware of their influence on pregnancy. Hence, getting familiar to the strange early pregnancy symptoms is important for all women who are expecting.

Unexpected Pregnancy Symptoms That You May Expect During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women report that they have not come across any of those prevalent pregnancy symptoms like fainting or dizziness or even bleeding. Dies it mean, they were not sent any signs of pregnancy by their body. Probably, they have been. Probably, they have failed to comprehend those signals as positive signs of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as you get to know what unusual early pregnancy symptoms you are likely to come across, you will be prepared for them and can consult your doctor, accordingly. A list of those symptoms is given below -

1. Spider Veins - Appearance or the veins surrounding chest and upper arms getting prominent is one of the very unusual early pregnancy symptoms. This is one symptom what most women hate and fret over. However, doctors suggest there is nothing to get apprehended about the spider veins as it simply results from an increased blood flow in the body and then being carried over to different vital areas of the body.

2. Nasal Congestion - If you feel your nose to get clogged during pregnancy, you should know it happens due to nasal congestion. This is regarded as one of the unusual early pregnancy symptoms that may lead to having discomforting nights as you have felt during flu. You nose may often bleed even if during a perfect weather with no signs of cold. Consult your doctor to detect pregnancy.

3. Metallic Taste - You may feel metallic taste often during pregnancy. Metal tastes are considered one of the unusual early pregnancy symptoms and are caused due to hormonal changes in your body.

4. Flatulence - Flatulence or arousal of gases are the most embarrassing early pregnancy symptoms. To avoid this symptom, get your diet chart corrected by a specialist.

5. Production of Excessive Saliva - Many expecting mothers feel excess of saliva in their mouth. These excessive saliva productions lead nausea symptom even more discomforting and make it very hard for pregnant mothers to deal with these unusual early pregnancy symptoms. Your mouth may drool even when you are sleeping.

6. Cramping in legs - If you happen to wake up in pains in your legs at midnight, you should include this among early pregnancy symptoms that is not very common. Blame on scarcity of calcium in your body or other causes during pregnancy, talk to your doctor to find ways to reduce it.

7. Facial Hair And Pigmentation - Though women do not hesitate to spend bucks for removal of facial hair, but they may face an increase in facial hair along with facial pigmentation during the course of pregnancy. These are unusual early pregnancy symptoms, but not rare. Therefore, instead of chemical usage, consult with your doctor to alleviate these problems.

Whenever you face any of the unusual early pregnancy symptoms, do not delay, and rush to your physician about its effects on your pregnancy or to reduce discomforts of those symptoms.

Early signs of pregnancy are easy to tell. However, some pregnant women are likely to witness some unusual early pregnancy symptoms. If you are seeing different pregnancy symptoms apart from the normal signs of pregnancy please contact your doctor to rule out the possibility of any complication. Visit Early Pregnancy Symptom for more information related to pregnancy signs and symptoms.

2011年5月17日 星期二

Early Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy - An Overview

How do I know? A common question any average woman would ask. To avoid hap-hazardous steps taken in confusion, here is some information on signs and symptoms of pregnancy to let you know 'this is it'.

What happens right away?

Its there on your first pregnancy test you tried, but few things may happen even before you experience the visible early signs of pregnancy. Skipping periods may not always happen because of conception. Similarly, pregnancy symptoms such as abdominal cramps during early days of pregnancy may be mistaken to be common menstrual cramps. Thus to avoid any such misleading due to lack of information lets look at the various early signs of pregnancy and stages of pregnancy symptoms.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early signs of pregnancy can be anything from fatigue, slight bleeding cramps, nausea and food cravings to rise in basal body temperature. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy like mood swings, headaches, constipation and appetite aversions are not unique to pregnancy and might just indicate that you are sick. Similarly, one may become pregnant without experiencing any of the above early pregnancy symptoms. However, if you miss a period or it differs widely from one month to another you might to confirm it through a home pregnancy test.

Tender And Swollen Breasts

Have you ever imagined why breast tenderness, a major pregnancy symptom is a major indicator of pregnancy? The reason why breasts become tender and sore during early pregnancy is that they undergo hormonal changes to prepare for lactation i.e. breast-feeding. This kind of change in the breast size occurs generally in the first eight weeks.

Frequent Urination

During the first trimester of pregnancy i.e. roughly the first 13 weeks, you may experience an early sign of pregnancy wherein you will find yourself rushing to the restroom more often which happens because the uterus starts growing and causes frequent urination.

The Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is often considered to be the "Golden Period" as the physically demanding early signs and symptoms of pregnancy are all over by now. You get relief from pregnancy symptoms and related inconveniences such as constant nausea. Moreover, better sleep patterns are major signs of advancement in the process of healthy pregnancy.

The most joyful moment is experienced during this time as you might get to hear the first heartbeat of your baby. An ultrasound conducted in around 19 weeks may make you feel the diverse movements of your baby inside your body.

The Final Trimester

The final trimester is the final stage of pregnancy. This is the time when the fetus becomes too big to move in the uterus. Due to difficulty in finding right positions while sleeping or sitting, you may have recurrence of pregnancy symptoms such as back pain. The ankles might swell due to excess weight on the legs. At the end of the third trimester, a fetus usually settles into a head-down position in the uterus. Now you should get ready to welcome your baby in this world.

Now the fact is clear that apart from few acute pregnancy symptoms, others might just happen because of other kinds of illness. However, the safest bet is not to rely just on early signs of pregnancy but to go for home pregnancy test and confirm. If the result is negative though you experience various signs and symptoms of pregnancy, visit your doctor to know the reason behind these symptoms if you are not pregnant.

Be well prepared and aware so that your child is the only pleasant surprise you get.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy do not always indicate pregnancy. There are some situations where you would witness early signs of pregnancy but you might not be pregnant. Know more about pregnancy symptoms on Early Signs Of Pregnancy to be sure about when to be happy and when you need to be careful about your pregnancy.

Making Pregnancy Stages More Enjoyable For Moms-To-Be!

If you are expecting for the first time, you will be anxious to know about the pregnancy stages and how the nine months are going to be. Till now, you might have heard of the three trimesters; now you are going to experience them! It is better that you have all your facts clear and you also keep a tab on your pregnancy weekly to avoid unnecessary worries.

Pregnancy Journal

It's a trend to keep a journal among moms-to-be. It helps you to write about how you feel during different pregnancy stages and lets you keep pace with the changes taking place inside you. You can even get a clear picture of each stage of pregnancy. It will make you feel closer to your baby.

Pregnancy Calendar

This is a wonderful tool that keeps you informed about the different stages of pregnancy development. The calendar is based on an intensive research carried out by medial experts over many years. Although it's general in description, it is a good guide for the first time moms-to-be. However, it is advised not to assume the calendar as a substitute to your regular doctor's visits.

Pregnancy Trimesters

There are three pregnancy stages, known as trimesters, during the entire nine-month span.

THE FIRST TRIMESTER - You will be bombarded with various symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, frequent urination, tender and enlarged breasts, and others. Do not panic. They are normal and temporary. The best way to deal with these nasty effects is to follow an exercise regime and a nutritious diet. This stage of pregnancy marks a rapid development of the fetus and a whole lot of changes in your body. The symptoms are your body's way of coping with the sudden and drastic hormonal changes.

THE SECOND TRIMESTER - During this stage, your baby will achieve its full development. There will fine hair all over its body and a strong heartbeat. Your belly will become huge and will exert force on your back. It's better to buy maternity pillows that give you support while you are sleeping on your side. Do not discontinue your exercise. Go for regular prenatal checkups to ensure everything's going on perfectly.

THE THIRD TRIMESTER - This marks the beginning of the baby stage of pregnancy. Your baby is fully grown by now and waiting for the due date to arrive as much as you are! You can make use of a pregnancy calculator to know when exactly you will be delivering. Although these calculators are not 100 percent accurate, they help in reducing the anxiety of the due date. This is also the time to enroll for classes related to childbirth and nursing. Take your partner with you so that he can become a responsible father. In addition to this, make a pregnancy plan that mentions the type of birth, kind of anesthesia, and other such matters.

Remember, ignorance is NOT bliss in pregnancy. It really helps to be well-informed about the different pregnancy stages. Who says pregnancy is tough? It's exciting, enjoyable, and a lot of fun!

With information about pregnancy stages, you know exactly what to expect in each stage of pregnancy, and you can enjoy your pregnancy trimesters. Information about different stages of pregnancy development is helpful when you are maintaining a pregnancy journal. Visit Pregnancy to know more about pregnancy weekly and other aspects of pregnancy such as pregnancy planning, pregnancy tests, pregnancy weight gain, pregnancy diet, weight loss after pregnancy, maternity clothes, baby showers, breastfeeding and almost everything you would like to know about pregnancy and childbirth.

2011年5月16日 星期一

Pregnancy Tests - How To Verify Pregnancy

Pregnancy Tests are conducted to verify one's pregnancy. A large number of women can tell that they are pregnant by recognizing the various symptoms that accompany a pregnancy. However, to be sure, specific pregnancy tests need to be conducted. Some of these can be conducted at home itself while there are others for which you need to approach a doctor. Large varieties of home pregnancy tests kits are available in the market at chemist shops.

Pregnancy tests confirm one's pregnancy by revealing the presence of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HcG) which is found only in pregnant women. It is produced by the cells in the uterus. Several types of pregnancy test kits are available in the market, many of which can be used at home. These tests measure the level of the HCG in our body through a urine sample. These tests need to be followed by some other pregnancy ultrasound tests that are recommended by the doctors.

The Accuracy Factor

Generally, these pregnancy tests can confirm pregnancy the day after one misses her period. However, to get accurate and 100% results, it is always better to conduct these tests a week after missing the monthly periods. Most of the times, these pregnancy tests are accurate and quite cheap too. The home pregnancy tests are generally followed by several blood tests and ultrasounds, which are done to find the possible date of the delivery and the health of the baby.

In some cases, however, the pregnancy tests may give a wrong result. These include cases when the amount of HCG in a woman's body is inadequate to show her pregnancy. In addition, it is important to remember the exact date of one's periods. These tests are effective and can give accurate results only if conducted after a woman misses her periods. A type of pregnancy test known as EPT pregnancy test claims to give 99% accurate results. However, this is possible only if a woman remembers her period date correctly. Several other early pregnancy test kits are also available in the market and can even be purchased online.

Pregnancy tests are the definitive way to know if you are pregnant. You can even take home pregnancy tests within the comforts of your home.

Pregnancy ultrasounds and early pregnancy test such as EPT early pregnancy tests are another way of knowing that the most beautiful period of your life is just around the corner.

Pregnancy Period provides more information on issues related to pregnancy, early pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy tests.