2011年5月19日 星期四

Various Types Of Pregnancy Tests

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. Over the counter home pregnancy tests are also as effective as the tests carried out at the primary health care provider's office. These tests are the starting point for you to make an appointment with your primary health care provider, if you test positive. It's important to immediately undergo other tests in order to check whether the pregnancy is normal or if there are any abnormalities such as an ectopic pregnancy.

Types Of Pregnancy Tests

Urine Based Tests: These tests are most popular and more convenient than the other types. All that you need to do is to purchase over the counter urine home pregnancy test kit. Normally this consists of a cup into which the woman has to urinate and a special stick that has to be immersed in the urine for a specific amount of time. If you follow the instructions correctly as given along with the kit, you'll come to know whether you are pregnant or not. The results are fairly accurate most of the time. Most clinics also adopt this method of pregnancy test.

There is another method of urine pregnancy test in which the woman has to hold a special stick in the stream of urine for a specific amount of time. This is a much neater type of test and is preferred by most women. This method can also be used as an early pregnancy test since it can detect the presence of hCG pregnancy hormone as soon as the embryo has attached itself to the uterine wall.

Blood Tests For Pregnancy: Blood tests are normally more reliable and are carried out by doctors in order to detect human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), the presence of which indicates that the placenta has started to grow as a result of the attachment of the embryo to the uterine lining. This can also be found out through urine tests but blood tests are more reliable. Normally the doctor runs more tests to check your overall health so that proper prenatal vitamins and medications can be prescribed to keep you and your growing baby healthy.

Blood tests are preferred by most couples who have had infertility problems and are anxious to find out whether the pregnancy test results are positive as the blood test can be done as early as seven days after a probable conception. It's also important to undergo a blood test as the level of hCG can be measured very accurately and possible complications or problems can easily be identified. The blood pregnancy test should only be carried out at a doctor's office although it might entail the high cost of the visit and the tests. You could also visit women's clinics for pregnancy tests if you want to reduce the expenditure.

The expectant mother should also undergo further regular tests even after the pregnancy tests have revealed that she is normal and has a healthy pregnancy. These tests are normally scheduled by the doctor and expectant mothers should be aware of them and their implications. These tests are: Complete Blood Count (CBC) test that checks for anemia or any other abnormality; Urine analysis test that checks for undesirable elements such as infection, blood, protein or any other harmful product; RH factor; Immunity from German measles; tests for sexually transmitted diseases; blood glucose test; pap smear; and screening for bacterial and viral infection.

Pregnancy tests are essential to ensure the good health of the expectant mother and the growing baby.

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. If you are anxious to know about your pregnancy, you can do a home pregnancy test or an early pregnancy test, with an EPT Pregnancy Test kit. Some sites offer free online pregnancy test as well. However, these tests are not a replacement for medical opinion and for confirmation, you should get a pregnancy test done under the supervision of your pregnancy doctor. Visit Pregnancy Test for more information on anything and everything related to pregnancy such as, pregnancy diet, pregnancy exercises, pregnancy stages, pregnancy complications, breastfeeding, and much more?

